Become a Colt Collectors Association Member


Membership Begins Here

Are you a Colt collector? Are you looking to get plugged in with fellow collectors and learn more about the fascinating world of Colt Firearms? If you are, then welcome: You have come to the right place to get started.

The Colt Collectors Association, Inc. is a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Texas and is affiliated with the National Rifle Association, but is not directly affiliated with Colt’s Manufacturing Co., Inc. It is an international organization, with members across 50 states and 16 countries around the world.

Below, you will find information about our membership, including pricing, FAQs, and where to sign up. If you have more specific questions about our membership or association, please feel free to Contact CCA. One of our board members will respond and assist with your inquiry.

Thank you for your interest and we hope you consider the quality membership benefits provided through the Colt Collectors Association.

The CCA provides a plethora of memorabilia and collector items to share with other Colt enthusiasts.

Membership FAQ

Note: Colt Collectors Association, Inc. is staffed by elected officers and directors who receive no salary.

Membership Options

U.S. – Annual$65.00 USD (per year)
U.S. – 3-Year$180.00 USD (every 3 years)
U.S. – Lifetime$1,250.00 USD (one-time)
Spouse$25.00 USD (per year)
Junior*$20.00 USD (per year)

(*) Available to juveniles under 18 years of age: The Junior membership must be sponsored by an active voting member current on association dues and be willing to assume responsibility for the juvenile's actions. The Junior membership shall have all the privileges of membership except the right to vote or hold office.

Canada – Annual$80.00 USD (per year)
Canada – Lifetime$1,400.00 USD (one-time)
International – Annual$130.00 USD (per year)
International – Lifetime$1,750.00 USD (one-time)

“Colt is what brought us together, but it is actually much more. Because of the Colt Collector's Association, Annette and I have friends from coast to coast. No matter where we go in this great country, we have friends we can count on. Colts are great. Great friends are even better!”

— Randy Jones (American Arms & Antiques) (AR)

This We Believe...

Past President Les Quick established a powerful mission statement for Colt Collectors Association.

"We believe in the Colt Collectors Association objectives, and that the collecting of arms and related collectible items is a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

We believe that the collecting of arms preserves their historical significance and artistic value for both present and future generations and that it contributes to the understanding of this great country.

We believe that the collecting of arms promotes friendships and camaraderie and teaches the values of integrity, responsibility, and self-discipline.

We believe that the collecting of arms encourages lifelong involvement and that we all have a responsibility to give something back to this activity.

We believe that the collecting of arms requires we educate our youth on their responsibility to continue this tradition.

We believe that the collecting of arms is a safe, enjoyable, lifetime, family-oriented Constitutional right."

— Les Quick
Endorsed by the Colt Collectors Association
Board of Directors – July 30, 1999

Ready to become a member of the Colt Collectors Association?

Reach out to the Colt Collectors Association via our Contact form, or Get Started to join our association today.

Become a member to connect and share with an active and knowledgeable community of over 2,000! We invite you to sign up online via our Membership Portal. The online membership application is secure and easy to complete.